Self love is the path back to God. When you are loving yourself, you are loving God. When you praise yourself, you praise God. When you appreciate yourself, you appreciate God. All of these states of being are ex-pressions of God. They are states that allow God to be pressed out through you, ex-pressed through you.
There is no greater glory or service to God than that of loving yourself, whole-ly, completely and unconditionally. For these are all perspectives of God. There is absolutely zero judgement in God's perspective of you. Nothing that you do is perceived through negative light in God's eyes. You cannot do anything that God does not approve of.
This understanding may be quite a leap in consciousness for many, for our separatist based views of God have had us believing in a God of judgement, but that view is not the Truth. For God loves us all and ALL that we do. Wholly, completely and unconditionally, without exception.
Can you allow yourself to grasp the concept of a God of true unconditional love? Can you allow yourself to set aside your old perspectives of a separate, conditionally loving God. Can you allow yourself to let go of the idea that God has requirements of you, or lists of do's and don'ts, should's and shouldn'ts? You and God, are ONE. God never left. God has always been with you, withIn you. God has always been expressing Itself as You. We are unified by nature. Each and every one of us are individual expressions of God. We are all individual waves in the Ocean of God. God is eternally expressing Herself through you, as you, and the more of you that allows yourself to experience yourself as God, as the Whole, the more that your life will be filled with all that you are seeking. For God is life's fulfillment. The fulfillment of every desire, the perfect outcome for every situation. and God loves you completely. Trust in the fact that God is within you and you will find your peace. You will experience your completeness.
In Truth, God is ALL that we seek, So seek God within You and allow God to fill up your life with your own fullness. God is the only missing peace. God is the missing piece in our life that we've been seeking. You feel it, you've known that there is more. More to You, more to Life, and God is that More. and we are invited now to experience the moreness of ourselves, of Me, of We, of the Whole. Experience the full Truth of Who You Really Are. The greatest version of the Grandest vision of You. This is Home, humanity. Love.