Does anyone out there KNOW of the Unity in ALL THINGS?
What is up with everyone sleeping on Unity? Is it not obvious that all things are connected? Do we not all see the relationship that everything has with everything else. Have the discoveries of quantum physics and the energetic systems in nature not proven to us that there is a unifying field at the deepest levels of reality. Have we not all experienced moments in our lives that defy rational reasoning. Unexplainable co-incidences, mind blowing synchronicities, and life changing events that hint toward a connectedness in all things. Have we not all read books like Conversations With God, The Four Agreements, The Teachings Of Abraham, The Field, You Can Heal Your Life, Anything by Deepak Chopra or Gregg Braden or the Pleiadians? Are we not all intuitively aware that there is something more to life that we haven’t been acknowledging all these years. That our thoughts effect our lives. That we are all the creators of our own individual experiences. And that through changing the inner experience of our lives, we can change the outer experience in our lives.
Are we not all aware that true change in our society can only come through an individual change within each member of our society? Do we not all see that we each individually have the power to choose how we react to the world around us and the power to behave in whatever way we see fit to alter the course of our Life’s experience. Do we not all see that our dollar is our voice in the corporate world? And that we send a message to the suppliers by what ever it is we are demanding through what we buy. Do people really think that they are powerless against a world that promotes war as the path to peace? And dividing lines as a path to unity? Do people really think that things happen to them instead of through them? Are we not all aware that WE, the people of earth, are the only ones who can effect great change on this planet? Do you really think you are powerless against the world as it is? Do you not see how your individual perspective adds unto All-That-Is? Can you accept that you are a part of All-That-Is, separate from NOTHING?
Can you accept this? Do you want to accept this? Do you want change? Are you happy with the world as it is? Do you want to begin to use your focus and your thoughts, indeed your entire existence as a means to create change in the world? Or is humanity destined to be subjected to the whims and destructive impulses of the corporate and government leaders who continue to oppress and exploit the beauty and harmony of our world? Will YOU, The Individual, finally realize that it all begins with YOU!?! Can you accept that as you shift your personal life from a state of fear to a state of love, that you will add unto all those that are now turning off the emotions of fear and immersing all of their hearts and minds into a state of Love? Are you even aware that this matters? Do you even know of all the research and scientific data that shows how our emotions effect the physical unfoldings in our world? Did you know that cultivating a peaceful heart can lead to a reduction in violent crime, natural disasters and even so called “accidents” in our streets and cities? Can you accept this? Will you even look at the evidence? Would you even allow yourself to accept these new discoveries and the amazing opportunities that they imply?
Indeed it is up to you to change our world. For it is in the changing of your own inner world that the outer world is changed. And it is ONLY through the changing of the inner world that our outer world will be saved. So we depend on YOU. The world is hoping and praying that YOU, the Liver of Your Life, will see how much you matter to the world and do something to contribute to the cultivation of a peaceful planet, through YOUR HEART. Join us in Peace.
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