The facts are all there and they all point exactly to those responsible. The tippie tops of the worlds largest banks and corporations, the money makers and the weapons manufacturers, those who control the food supply and our energy resources. Anyone who has chosen to look knows who is doing what, why and to what end. And it can all be very scary. What can one do in the face of such odds? That kind of power and control can feel a bit intimidating to a person raised to believe whole heartedly in his own limitations. One who is completely unaware of her own ability to transcend limitation. After all, we have all agreed for thousands of years that there is nothing we can do about the state of things. The rulers are the rulers, the peasants are the peasants and there is just no escaping death and taxes.
We’ve all bought it. What choice would we have. Our parents bought it. They taught it to us. Everyone around us agrees. And so the thought of challenging it all has become laughable to us. You cannot change what IS. Things are just things, your over there, I’m over here and you cant fight city hall so just enjoy the weekend and get back to work. Keep the economy going. Its what we do here. We work, we buy, we fill our free time with the entertainment we’re given. It’s what we do. With all this football, fast tasty food and so many convenient ways to save, what would we want to rally against? I don’t have time to rally anyway, I work too much. By the time I get home from work all I want is some fast tasty food and some entertainment. I’m too tired to care. About anything. So what? And that’s ok. What else would we do?
Aha but there is another way. YOU CREATE YOUR LIFE’S EXPERIENCES. The thoughts you think ALL DAY, and the feelings you are feeling ALL DAY, combined with the things you DEEPLY BELIEVE TO BE TRUE, are what causes EVERYTHING that happens in YOUR life experience. Sit with that for a minute. Feel that statement inside your body. Read it again and see how that feels within you. Ponder this idea for a while. If this is the first time your hearing this thought, let it sit for a minute before you judge all over it with your IDEA!!! of how reality and life operate. Remember, not long ago the world unanimously agreed that the earth was flat and that the Universe revolved around it. You’ve heard it before and it is true once again today. What we thought about the workings of our world, our lives, and our reality are not the way it is.
Sad for our comfortable little bubbles. Our egos. And LIBERATING for our deepest, innermost desires. The longing for TRUE freedom. Truly living free. Abundantly. Health, prosperity and true, lasting, fulfilling happiness for all beings. That utopian experience we dream about but sequester to the realm of unrealistic fantasy. When the FACT is, it is our true nature! We are ALL meant for a life of fulfillment and continued joy. Riding an upward spiral of joyful life experience from now through eternity. Life without end. It IS Who We Are. The We that we are before and after our physical lives in this world. Indeed there IS a soul. Everyone’s got one. Everyone IS a soul. On a souls journey. In a Life without end amen.
Always HAS been this way. We’ve just slipped in and out of remembrance over the century’s and millenniums. And now it is time, once again for us to REMEMBER our ONENESS. again. To LIVE OUR LIVES from the perspective of KNOWING that you ARE the Spiritual You that lives eternally beyond your physical Life experience. And that YOU ARE THE CREATOR of your physical life experience. And that, collectively, WE ARE ALL PARTICIPATING IN THE CREATION OF THE LIFE EXPERIENCE OF HUMANITY AND THE PLANET! No way out of it. It’s just the way we’re wired.
WE: are extensions of All-That-Is, are constantly guiding and shaping the Energy of All-That-Is, and contributing to the expansion of All-That-Is through the way we live our lives in every moment! No exceptions. No exemptions. Everyone’s included. Everyone contributes. Cannot blame anyone, we’re all in it together. And we certainly cannot wait for anyone to fix the issues that we’ve all created together. Through our thought process. over the last thousands of years. It’s ok, we need not beat ourselves up about our mis-creations over the last few millennia. We’re doing alright.
We all know NOW right? We’re all remembering that we are one with everything in existence and always have been, and we are now reshaping our lives from this new awareness. We are lifting ourselves up out of who we have been, forgiving ourselves for whatever wrongs we think we’ve done, we are letting go of the need to condemn ourselves and others. We are becoming free! Emotionally!! One by one. Recreating ourselves as emotionally free individuals who choose not to judge or condemn anyone or anything for any reason ever! An individual that lives with the awareness of the Something More that lives within all things in every passing moment. And from this awareness we give the greatest aspect of our individual selves to the rest of the world. And everyone is the better for being so.
Think of those people you know to be so uplifting to everyone around them. Think of those throughout history that have always changed the world for so much the better, simply through the living of their Loving Heart. Those who knew of that Something More and LIVED from the awareness of the Something More. The awareness of being connected to everyone and everything. The knowing of oneness. The KNOWING that we are ALL coming to remember and KNOW.
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