We have all incarnated at this particular point in "time" to participate, one way or another, in a great shift unfolding through our planet. It is certainly no "accident" that you are here during this time, nor is it a "coincidence" that you are open to looking at the world in a new way. The Shift requires boundary breakers and paradigm expanders. Without the Einsteins, Lennons, King's and Tesla's we would be moving forward at a snails pace. Instead, we now have a veritable army of open minded, paradigm-shifters incarnated at one time to help anchor in a new awareness of what it means to be in the world and a part of the Universe.
Make no mistake about it kiddie, You are here right now, aware as you are, to help understand and integrate a new consciousness on this planet. A new vantage point for Humanity. One that sees through the eyes of Unity, knowing the Divine Force that is present in, as and through everything in Existence. Your curiosity, search for answers, and finding of new Truth's, helps to break open the blinders that have kept Humanity in the shadow for so many generations. Now is the time of our Great Awakening. Happening through You. Because of You.
Through your desire and willingness to look beyond what has been, beyond "the way it is", toward new possibilities, we inch closer and closer toward a new global consciousness. One by one we all seek and find and seek and find until there are so many who have found, that it can no longer be denied. And what we have found is our own Divinity.
What we have found is our inherent unity with all of Creation. The Universe. Everything in it. It is all happening in, as and through our consciousness. And we effect it with our consciousness. We guide it with our consciousness. We co-create with It through our consciousness. We can never be separate from It or anything in existence, for our very nature is UNIFICATION. We have finally woken up to our inherent unification with all of existence. And that is something we can no longer sleep on.
Through those that take this new awareness to the experiential level, our world is transformed. Because you are realizing that there is more, seeking to find out exactly what more there is, and then seeking to experience the moreness that IS, you change your world. And because you have changed your world you have inevitably changed the world. Because you are one of millions changing your world. And it is through the millions changing their inner worlds that we transform the planet.
Through the example of an aware and awakened consciousness, the masses see the possibilities that live within us. Just beneath the surface of exterior circumstances. Now we know how to access this inner potential, and millions are doing so. And millions are experiencing a Life of unlimited possibility, infinite potential, and infinite peace with the moment. All moments. A life of peace. And a World of peace. AND THE WORLD WILL KNOW! Because you know, the World will know. Because you are choosing to connect with and explore that Infinite part of You, the world around you is changed.
Do not discount your power for one fleeting moment. You are an energy field in a larger energy field and your energy effects all energy in the Universe. A single drop in the ocean still creates a ripple. And so it is with you. And so it is with the millions more of us that are changing our consciousness and hence changing our energy field. That my friends is a downpour. And a downpour creates a lot of ripples. Big waves of change.
Know this! Your doing it Peter! Every moment you are radiating your frequency, your signal, out into the Everything and you are shaping and reshaping and reshaping the fundamental energy that forms all of Life around you. That is no exaggeration. Subtle as it may be, one individual effects Everything. And there is nothing subtle about the effect from millions. Downpour downpour.
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