Friday, July 26, 2013

A Word on GOD

Lets talk about “God” for a minute. Using God as a name for the creator of the universe. Two inescapable assumptions here. One, that the universe has a creator. And two, that most everyone on this planet has commonly called the creator God. Does it matter that the name is God? No, not at all. Is it familiar to most? Yes, it appears to be. Does this name carry with it all kinds of fear, rules and judgment connotations? For many it does. For many the word God implies a male figure who has a list of requirements for you to live up to in order to please “him”. For many there is an underlying, perhaps subtle, fear of an eternal punishment if one does not live up to “his” requirements. For many, God is a man with an ego who needs you to do certain things in order to be worthy of his “unconditional” love.

This is not the God that I am referring to. In my opinion, this “god” is a creation of mens imagination and has nothing to do with The Creator of the Universe. And I do mean mens imagination. I don’t believe a woman would paint life’s creator as an ego driven contradiction. And it is certainly clear, as history shows, that men wrote the worlds holy books and hence, painted the worlds picture of who god is and how he behaves. And incidentally what his requirements are. We all read these holy books scratching our heads at the idea that God is supposed to be all loving, all merciful and all compassionate, yet would condemn some one for some thing regardless of what it may be. That is confusing. It makes absolutely no sense. Yet they ask us to accept these inconsistencies with blind faith. “Have faith in the ways of the all knowing God,” they say.  “God abhors a doubting Thomas.”  Okay man. Whatever. 

For most people it comes down to: either accept God, the holy books and Gods inconsistent love, or don’t believe in God at all. Or, as of more recently, one could be “spiritual but not religious.” Hmmmm, there’s an interesting distinction. An entire group of people who know that there is definitely something more to life than nothing at all or a God who judges. Neat progress there humanity. We’re taking the steps toward the possibility for a greater understanding of what God might be and what his or her nature might express. We are moving forward. 

It is with this forward motion that I would like to present some ideas. Here’s the black and white of it. God is not a man or a woman, God has no rules for you to live up to and requires absolutely nothing of you now or ever, God loves you truly unconditionally now and always and there is nothing that you or anyone could ever do to change that. GOD is the creative force that flows through everything in existence, as everything in existence. There is nothing in this or any universe or reality that is not GOD. Nothing can exist apart from GOD because GOD is ALL THERE IS

Check this. Over the past hundred years it has become an increasingly, scientifically verifiable fact that all of existence is really, at its most fundamental, base level, one unified field of energy and that all of the matter that we see as our physical reality is this fundamental energy densified to become the various forms that we see throughout our world and the universe. 

Breathe. Let’s take a moment and read that again. It has become a scientifically verifiable fact that all of existence is really, at its most fundamental level, one unified field of energy and that all of the matter that we see as our physical reality is this fundamental energy densified to become the various forms that we see throughout our world and the universe.

Science has found that at the deepest level of all matter there appears to be a connective web that binds everything and rises up to become the particles that make up the atoms that make up the molecules that make up the physical world. This connective web appears to be an intelligent force as it guides and influences how these particles assemble to become the various forms and expressions we see as reality. And we are certainly awed at how a single cell can grow to become a full blown human being. The list of awe inspiring acts in the natural world is ever increasing as we continue to look. Nature never ceases to astound us. We are left asking ourselves “how?” “Why does it do this?” “How does it know to do this?” “What is doing this?”  

Well the answer is God. The answer is the unified field of intelligent energy that gives rise to everything in existence. It’s not like it isn't there. It’s there. And everything is an expression of It. You are, I am, this world is. We are all a densified expression of this field of intelligent energy. Do some research into the unified field and see what you come up with. It is a fact about our world and our existence that has yet to become common knowledge and will flip the world upside down when it does. It's a game changer. Much like: the earth isn't the center of the universe and, wouldn’t you know it, it’s not flat either. Well here’s the latest one: NOTHING IS SEPARATE FROM ANYTHING. Least of all GOD. There is only one thing in all of creation/existence and that is the infinitely loving, ever expanding, intelligent and creative FORCE

You might want to take a minute to digest the whole “every thing is one thing” thing. It is a concept that can change your life in the greatest of ways when you integrate it into your understanding of Who you Are and What you are a part of. 

So it’s a scientific fact that there is a unified field at the base of all reality. And apparently, it is a field of Light. I will say it is an infinitely loving Light which I will expand on later. For now lets explore this Light and how it becomes all of the matter we’re bumping around in all day. As I understand it, and I could be mistaken, but based on everything I’ve read about the research science has done in observing how this unifying field of light densifies to become solid, the process goes a little something like this...  

An intention in the Light causes the Light to move the light through the light and as it does it collects and gathers into particles, particles collect and gather into atoms, atoms collect and gather into molecules and molecules collect and gather to become the building blocks of all physical matter. So if this is true and we assume that this field of Light is intelligent, and it seems pretty safe to do so, what with Life and all, then it would appear that the intelligent creative force at the base of all things has an intention to create you, then moves Itself through Itself to bring you up into existence. 

Is that too much too fast? Perhaps. Do I have a pile of scientific evidence to support my claims? Kind of. The research is out there. The science, as I understand it, says that the field is light and that it does move itself through itself with some sort of intention and that the process of itself moving through itself causes a densifying effect that ultimately results in physical matter. And, that this process is happening thousands of times in every passing second. Apparently the Light is constantly hitting the energetic reset button or refresh, as it were. 

The unified field at the base level of reality has the intelligence to create from itself all of the matter and energy and expressions thereof in this entire universe. The unified field is the universal mind that thought up the universe and exploded itself into becoming it.  All. 
So thats pretty farkin amazing aye. As far as how life becomes life and where we all come from. We all rise up out of this web or field of Light that thought all of this stuff up into existence. Does this mean that evolution didn’t or doesn't happen? Or course not. Evolution is a given. Things evolve. The universe is evolving. Does it meant that there is a creative mind at the heart and core of the evolutionary process? Absolutely. In my mind it proves it. I don’t care what anyone else says, for me, GOD is the unified field of intelligence that gives rise to everything in existence. And everything in existence is an inseparable part of GOD. So, in effect, You are God. God is you. And we are all living a unified sea of God. 

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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